

This was a super fun session! I actually did two sessions in one. I have photographed the Fosters before and couldn't wait to shoot them again- {not literally}. They're always have such cute outfits. This time they brought their Alabama cousins. We shot all through Downtown Pensacola and got some get shots. :)

The Leonards

I have the opportunity to photograph this beautiful little family this weekend. I love, love, love the way these photos turned out- even before editing. I knew while taking them that I was going to love them. Anyways- here they are!! These are family Christmas presents so I'm not going to post many- just incase!!!


I'm officially a horrible blogger. Things here have been so hectic but I'm trying! The business is going great- better than I could of ever imagined.

So why have things been hectic? As some of you may know- my husband is in the Marine Corps. His EAS is August 2012... {in basic terms, its the month that his 4 year contract is up.} In March 2012, he'll hit 8 years in- so technically he needs to decide whether or not he's going to be a "lifer" or get out and find a civilian job. While being a Marine has it's benefits for our family- nothing beats being home in Texas.
We are also dealing with renting our house out. We keep going back and forth about renting it out- it's eventually going to happen but we figure we should do it now and just get it over with. Our house has so many memories it's hard to see anyone else but us live here. :( As for me- I originally planned on moving home in January to get this business rolling BUT as January gets closer- I can't just move away and take our baby away from her Da-da.  I know, I know... Blah, Blah, Blah... But this is my life for now... decisions- decisions. lol.

Organic Bloom!!!

I am so excited to finally announce that you may now purchase Organic Bloom Frames exclusively through Love Junkie Photography!! These frames are amazingly awesome! Not only can they be trendy and fun- they can also be designed to be classy and elegant- better yet in true Love Junkie Photography fashion - Modern Vintage! 

So I know you're probably wondering- PRICES!?! While they are just a tad on the expensive side but THEY ARE TOTALLY WORTH IT!! Each frame is custom designed just for you. That's right- you chose the shape, size and color and in 15 business days it's {or they're} all yours. That easy!! If you would like me to send you a price list email me @   lovejunkiephotography@yahoo.com.